FAIR Notebook

I’ve been using FAIR methodology for a little over a decade. I was lucky enough to learn about it from Jack Jones and Alex Hutton many years ago. Since then I have continued to use this as a foundation for risk management programs. As it has gained traction a number of people have added their spin on how to use these ideas to quantify risk. I will always highly recommend the folks at RiskLens for both their deep knowledge on FAIR and for the products they offer. I turn to these tools and services whenever I am able. My problem was what to do when I did not have these tools and services at my disposal. I wanted something that was small enough that I could justifiably bring teams together to review and provide input, but that also introduced some of the quantification science behind FAIR. Basically, I wanted the original basic risk assessment guide (see chapter 6), but with the ability to draw samples and run a full Monte Carlo analysis.

With this goal in mind I tried a few different things to accomplish this. In the end I really wanted something that felt real time and collaborative. There aren’t a many tools out there that provide this kind of flexibility, and Jupyter is one of my favorite. Mathematica will always hold the top spot in my heart in this category, but the licensing costs put it out of contention for something easily shareable. Long story aside, I have had a few requests to release my FAIR Jupyter Notebook. I you can find the project here. Although running the notebook requires some setup, You can check your completed notebooks into Github they will render the notebook automatically for anyone with access to the url. I hope you enjoy the project and if you have any trouble please file an issue. Pull requests always welcome!

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