When it comes to software security, the devil is in the details. When it comes to security software, those details are even more important. Just recently a significant bug was found in sudo, demonstrating that even the most highly scrutinized software can still contain mistakes. Alexis King beautifully captures a method that would have made this bug impossible. Arguably, security software is one of the easier places to justify spending more time on software security. To separate the ideas I’m going to steal a quote from Gary McGraw
Software security is about integrating security practices into the way you build software, not integrating security features into your code
— Gary McGraw (@cigitalgem) September 8, 2015
In light of that, let’s do some software security in our security software. For this post, we will focus specifically on the Totp class from a blog post I wrote a few years back while working at Jemurai. Matt Konda was kind enough to let me revisit the code in this implementation and give it a proper overhaul. I recommend reading the original post for context and clarity on where we’re starting from, but a good understanding of RFC 6238 is enough to get the point.
You can find the complete example for this post at
Getting Familiar With Dependencies
The first thing to do is check up on our dependencies to make sure there aren’t any issues. To do this we will add OWASP Dependency Check to our project:
I prefer to set the failBuildOnCVSS
option to 1
. This forces evaluation and explicit action on everything found. It
is acceptable to suppress a vulnerability if it does not impact your system, and using the value of 1
will force you to upgrade or suppress. When suppression is chosen, be sure to add a detailed commit message that
explains your choice and why it should be suppressed rather than updated. If you couple this with peer review, you can
get into a workflow where all suppressions have approval from another person and there’s ample opportunity for
discussion. Adding peer approved suppression is just as important as adding the dependency analysis tooling and should
be considered an absolute requirement.
The first run of Dependency Check can take a while because of the CVE database updates. Now is a good time to get the first run out of the way so subsequent runs and execute faster.
mvn dependency-check:aggregate
Keeping up with dependencies should be a first class concept in your SDLC. In reality, you should update your dependencies as often as possible. If you only wait for security issues to update dependencies, you could be left with expensive upgrade paths that touch code that has long since fallen out of context with your team. To do this we can add the Versions Maven Plugin to our project
If we run our new target we can see that we may have some things to address:
mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
[INFO] The following dependencies in Dependencies have newer versions:
[INFO] commons-codec:commons-codec ............................. 1.11 -> 1.15
[INFO] org.slf4j:slf4j-api ........................... 1.7.25 -> 2.0.0-alpha1
[INFO] org.slf4j:slf4j-simple ........................ 1.7.25 -> 2.0.0-alpha1
While a major version upgrade is out of scope for this post, ideally we would address all of these. The good news is
that the slf4j
will be unused by the time we are done with this exercise and can simply be deleted from our
project. A quick bump from 1.11
to 1.15
on commons-codec
will be a quick win and we should proceed with that right
- <version>1.11</version>
+ <version>1.15</version>
Along with keeping up to date I highly recommend adding the Maven Enforcer Plugin to ensure multiple versions of the same dependency brought in via dependency resolution do not result in loading outdated, and possibly vulnerable dependencies.
These types of tools are readily available in most programming languages and I encourage you to add this practice to all of your projects.
An Updated Language Version
The original project was built using Java 8. Java 8 is now well past its end of life and upgrading should be seriously considered. While I typically recommend snapping to the latest LTS release, we are going to Java 15 in this example to get some of the latest features that will make our updates more concise. It would be completely reasonable to bump to Java 11 here as it is the current LTS version, but the introduction of Records is a great way to quickly introduce new immutable types without a ton of boilerplate.
Unfortunately, upgrading is not as simple as changing the version. The javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter
class was
deprecated in Java 9 and removed in Java 11. The good news is that our project already has the commons-codec
dependency, and we are a method call replacement away from compiling properly again:
static String generateSeed() {
SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
byte[] randomBytes = new byte[SEED_LENGTH_IN_BYTES];
- return printHexBinary(randomBytes);
+ return encodeHexString(randomBytes);
Adding Tests
Time for a mea culpa on my part. This code omitted tests and there’s no excuse for that. For something as important as this it’s particularly offensive to not have some kind of verification that the algorithm was implemented correctly. Why are we discussing tests in a post about Software Security? Writing tests are 100% a part of Software Security, full stop. Let’s revisit the definition of Software Security
Software security is an idea implemented to protect software against malicious attack and other hacker risks so that the software continues to function correctly under such potential risks. Security is necessary to provide integrity, authentication and availability.
It turns out functioning correctly is also a part of Software Security. Next time you think about not writing tests, consider them a fundamental aspect to the overall security of your software.
As it sits, randomness is built into our example without sufficient control of the state of the inputs. This makes it difficult to test and should be considered a design issue. Before we go refactoring our code too much we do need some kind of sanity check to make sure we don’t accidentally break our implementation. Thankfully, RFC 6238 has input and output examples that we can use to put together a basic end-to-end test. If we break anything in the essential algorithm this test will tell us.
public class TotpTest {
public void endToEnd() {
String seed = "3132333435363738393031323334353637383930";
long[] times = {59L, 1111111109L, 1111111111L, 1234567890L, 2000000000L, 20000000000L};
String[] expectedOutputs = {"287082", "081804", "050471", "005924", "279037", "353130"};
for (int i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
assertEquals(expectedOutputs[i], generateInstance(seed, counterToBytes(times[i])));
In order to make this test work, we will need to loosen the modifier for counterToBytes
and make it at the very least
package private. I’m generally a fan of not relying on package location to determine what a class should expose, and
this method should be generally considered part of the interface offered to support things like drift.
- private static byte[] counterToBytes(final long time) {
+ public static byte[] counterToBytes(final long time) {
long counter = time / PERIOD;
byte[] buffer = new byte[Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE];
for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
buffer[i] = (byte) (counter & 0xff);
counter = counter >> 8;
return buffer;
The end-to-end test should now pass, and we have a viable baseline to use as we proceed.
Mapping the Process
Because this post is already heavy, I’ll save the detailed mapping process for another time. I do think it’s worth mentioning that part of Software Security is grounding your work and making sure you’re applying methods that map to measurable outcomes. Some may disagree on this, but I find this to be useful from both a completeness of practice perspective as well as a security program management perspective. Doing this produces artifacts that make things like GRC, compliance, and program maturity measurement more successful and less labor intensive. You may already have processes around this, but I find OWASP Application Security Verification Standard and BSIMM useful guides that apply different but equally useful lenses to the application and maturity of Software Security.
Finding the Essential Algebra
Part of applying software security is arriving at a model that allows the full expression of the domain, including invariants, and nothing more. This is much more difficult than it sounds. It takes thought, several rounds of refactoring, and good old fashioned discipline. Before we crack into our code it is important to expose a better model that we can refactor into. Thankfully, this problem lends itself well to a concrete algebra that can be expressed cleanly and will leave users of this code with an interface that demands domain correct inputs and will fail to compile otherwise. This creates a rock solid foundation for our refactoring, and will serve as a useful mental exercise ahead of digging into the previous code.
In RFC 6238, there are three concepts that represent essential components of TOTP and are deterministic:
- Time Step - The number of seconds in the TOTP period. 30 seconds is the default, but 60 and 90 are also acceptable
- OTP Length - The number of digits in the final TOTP result. Can be 1 to 8. Also associates an exponent applied to the calculation
- HMac Algorithm - The version of the HMac algorithm used in the calculation. Can be SHA1, SHA256, or SHA512
Before we continue, we are going to add another library to assist us:
The lambda library provides a rich set of type-safe, functional patterns that will allow us to remove assumptions, express our essential algorithm, and move toward a formally verifiable expression of our solution. While I don’t consider this type of work required for software security, I do consider it a highly recommended practice. Security Software is difficult enough to get right, and everything we can do to make it as correct and verifiable should be considered.
It’s important to remember that the idea of type-safe, functional programming is a tool used to achieve an outcome. This is not at all the only way to approach software security so please don’t mix the introduction of this idea with the ability to practice software security. In this particular case, I believe it is a useful tool for demonstrating a point and find the result incredibly easy to reason about.
Let’s start with the time step concept. It allows three options, 30
, 60
, and 90
seconds. This is a great place to
introduce a CoProduct. This concept is not built into Java, so we will use
the lambda supplied implementation to give us a hand. Unfortunately,
the end result is very verbose. It is this way partly because of the Java language, and partly because there are some
added ergonomics and performance additions that make things better for consumers. In a language with readily available
CoProducts, this might look something like:
data TimeStep = TimeStep30 | TimeStep60 | TimeStep90 deriving (Show)
The resulting Java code is long enough that I prefer linking instead of a direct copy and paste. The result can be
found here
. While there’s a lot of ceremony under the hood, the real interface is provided by the timeStep30()
, timeStep60()
and timeStep90()
methods. Notice that each of the TimeStep
inner classes carries a value, which ensures that the
respective class can only contain the correct number of seconds. Ultimately, requiring the TimeStep
type in the
implementation of our algorithm ensures at the type level that this concept in our algorithm will be correct. Any
substitution will be considered a type error and your program will fail to compile. This ensures the time step cannot be
abused or misused in our implementation.
Next, let’s take a look at OTP length. This controls the resulting length of the TOTP code, and should carry with it the
appropriate exponent to use during the TOTP calculation. Again, we can reach for a CoProduct, but this time it’s a bit
longer given our options are one to eight. You can find the full
implementation here
. Like the time step implementation, there’s an ergonomic interface on top of the required ceremony. Each instance
of OTP
has a resulting Digits
and Power
that are used to represent the length and exponent, ensuring these values
cannot be used incorrectly.
The HMac type was intentionally saved for last, because it will carry some additional implementation. Along with the
ability to correctly specify the HMac algorithm, we also want this type to be able to furnish an HMac result. Given a
TOTP Seed, a desired HMac algorithm, and a Counter, we should be able to furnish the result of the HMac operation with
full assurance that the correct usage was respected and cannot be abused or misused. The full implementation can be
found here
. Like the other types we will start again with a CoProduct, differentiating on the HMac algorithm. Along with the
ergonomics offered by the other types you will notice a few things that are worth digging into. The hexToBytes
has been pulled into this class and renamed to generateKey
. Ultimately this method provides our arrow from our TOTP
Seed to the resulting HMac key used in the operation. You will also notice it replaces the Java native return type
of byte[]
with the HmacKey
record type. I find the expression of tiny, or marker, types to be a very useful exercise
when writing code. It helps keep track mentally of all the inputs and outputs, and provides a simple layer of compile
time protection against supplying the wrong input to the wrong place. This pattern will continue throughout the
refactoring. The most substantial difference is the implementation of hash
. This is the same hash
method from the
initial implementation refactored to adequately express the underlying complexity. This one is worth a before and after
so let’s take a look.
public final class Totp {
private static byte[] hash(final byte[] key, final byte[] message) {
try {
Mac hmac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
SecretKeySpec keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, "RAW");
return hmac.doFinal(message);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
My oh my, where do we begin. On the plus side, if you don’t look back at code you wrote previously with severe disdain, it’s a sign you haven’t grown. At least I’ve got that going for me. Let’s itemize the things that need to change here:
- Explicit types for each input and output
- Logging has absolutely no place here and needs to be removed
- Returning
carries no information about the failure and forces the consumer to handle it - We need a better way to propagate the failure without throwing an exception
- JCA operations perform side effects
- There’s no ability to ask for alternate HMac algorithms
To do this we will want a method that returns an IO
wrapping some concept of success and failure. We can use
an Either
for this. A bit of refactoring and we can produce the following:
public abstract class HMac implements CoProduct3<HMac.HMacSHA1, HMac.HMacSHA256, HMac.HMacSHA512, HMac> {
public IO<Either<Failure, HmacResult>> hash(Seed seed, Counter counter) {
HmacKey key = generateKey(seed);
return getInstance()
.flatMap(hmac -> io(() -> new SecretKeySpec(key.value(), "RAW"))
.flatMap(secretKeySpec -> io(() -> hmac.init(secretKeySpec)))
.flatMap(constantly(io(() -> Either.<Failure, HmacResult>right(new HmacResult(hmac.doFinal(counter.value())))))))
.catchError(throwable -> io(left(new Failure(throwable))));
Here we capture the side effects, but consider any exception thrown inside calculating the HMac value a failure. There
are two new record types, Failure
and HmacResult
respectively. This allows the consumer to exhaustively handle the
outcome of calling this method, and use the success or failure information in total in whatever way is appropriate. This
gets the logging out of the picture and lets us call that code in a more appropriate place. In terms of side effects, we
have four separate operations that perform them. First is the call to Mac.getInstance
, which we have made an
implementation detail of each member of our CoProduct. The second is creating our instance of SecretKeySpec
, the third
calling init
, and finally the invocation of doFinal
. Depending on how you have
configured JCA
those effects can vary. This method also introduces the Seed
and Counter
record types which have not yet been
defined. We are left with a resulting representation of HMac that covers our domain and prevents misuse and abuse of the
input space. Additionally, this will allow us to remove some older and now duplicate code from the Totp
Since we’ve introduced the concept of Seed
and Counter
, let’s define them, starting with Seed
. Let’s spend a
little time identifying its implicit assumptions. This effort is a critical part of understanding how and why software
can fail, and will allow us to model our solution more complete. This step is an effective tool in the Software
Security tool belt and goes a long way in producing solutions that operate correctly under uncertainty. Let’s start with
the generateSeed
public final class Totp {
public static Seed generateSeed() {
SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
byte[] randomBytes = new byte[SEED_LENGTH_IN_BYTES];
return new Seed(encodeHexString(randomBytes));
On the surface this method looks fairly straight forward. Its purpose is to produce a hex encoded string of random bytes. Unfortunately, it’s filled with assumptions. Ultimately, we should be able to say
Given a number and a mechanism to furnish bytes, give me back a hex encoded string of the provided number of random bytes
Sounds simple enough, right? Well, that’s where the assumptions kick in. This method assumes that seed generation should control how byte furnishing is constructed, and the number of bytes that should be generated. This method also doesn’t account for the fact that generating a random number using CSPRNG has a side effect. Since we’re striking out on a number of levels, let’s try a more explicit representation:
public record Seed(String value) {
public static ReaderT<SecureRandom, IO<?>,Seed> generateSeed(int length) {
return readerT(secureRandom -> io(() -> {
byte[] randomBytes = new byte[length];
return new Seed(encodeHexString(randomBytes));
It is important to note that we have now taken the first step toward parameterizing both the mechanism that produces
bytes, and the effect that byte production runs under. This is thanks to ReaderT
. This post is already long enough
that a detailed explanation of ReaderT
is not in the cards. There is, however, a
good blog post on the pattern that should help build
a foundation. The syntax is a bit different in Java, but the idea is the same. There’s a bit to unpack here, so let’s go
through it in more detail. The generateSeed
method no longer directly returns a Seed
, but rather a function that,
when provided an instance of SecureRandom
, will produce another function that, when run, will perform the side effect
and produce a seed. This gets us closer to our statement above and correctly captures the details around how random
bytes are produced. Notice that we have also moved our method into a Seed
record type since it is effectively a static
constructor, and, the only interface into Seed
that we care about.
Next, let’s introduce Counter
. Just like Seed
, we will extract our code into a record. We will start with the
original counterToBytes
public final class Totp {
private static byte[] counterToBytes(final long time) {
long counter = time / PERIOD;
byte[] buffer = new byte[Long.SIZE / Byte.SIZE];
for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
buffer[i] = (byte) (counter & 0xff);
counter = counter >> 8;
return buffer;
Again, this method contains assumptions we would like to eliminate. The most egregious being the idea that PERIOD
is a
constant and cannot be changed without modifying the implementation. This was originally done to make the example a lean
as possible, but in reality goes against expectations. The good news is, that we have already defined TimeStep
, and
that’s exactly what we are going to use in its place. We end up with the following:
public record Counter(byte[]value) {
public static Counter counter(TimeStamp timeStamp,TimeStep timeStep) {
long counter = timeStamp.value() / timeStep.value();
byte[] buffer = new byte[Long.SIZE/Byte.SIZE];
for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
buffer[i] = (byte)(counter & 0xff);
counter = counter >> 8;
return new Counter(buffer);
The implementation hasn’t changed much. We made the time step an explicit requirement, and introduce a tiny type for the
current time, TimeStamp
. Other than returning an instance of Counter
the calculation of the Counter
is the same.
While we’re here, let’s follow up with our definition of TimeStamp
. You might guess it’s just an empty record
definition that holds a long
, and you would be correct. Because we will at some point need to get the current time
from the system to do our calculation, we will have one more side effect. To capture this, we will add a static
constructor now
to our record to complete it:
public record TimeStamp(long value) {
public static IO<TimeStamp> now() {
return io(() -> new TimeStamp(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000));
Here we remove the underlying assumption around what really happens when we reach for the system clock. This also lets
us compose getting the current time with any other IO
operations. This will come in handy in a bit.
At this point we can now set our sights on the Totp
class. We have all the foundation we need to do a successful
refactoring. We can start by deleting the majority of this class, which is always satisfying. This includes all of
the static final
variables created at the top of the class, the generateSeed()
method, hexToBytes()
, counterToBytes()
, and hash
. Let’s also turn our Totp
class into a record holding a String
value. All we really
have left to set our sights on is generateInstance()
. There’s a lot going on here, arguably more than there needs to
be. Let’s start by splitting some of this up:
public record Totp(String value) {
private static int calculate(HmacResult hmacResult) {
byte[] result = hmacResult.value();
int offset = result[result.length - 1] & 0xf;
return ((result[offset] & 0x7f) << 24) |
((result[offset + 1] & 0xff) << 16) |
((result[offset + 2] & 0xff) << 8) |
((result[offset + 3] & 0xff));
private static Totp totp(int totpBinary,OTP otp) {
String code = Integer.toString(totpBinary % otp.power().value());
int length = otp.digits().value()-code.length();
return length > 0
? new Totp("0".repeat(length) + code)
: new Totp(code);
This separates out the calculation of the TOTP binary value as well as the construction of the final number. It also
ditches the while
loop that was padding the value based on the OTP
power. What’s left, you might ask. Well, not
much. The only thing left is to coordinate it all. That we can save for our generateInstance()
public record Totp(String value) {
public static IO<Either<Failure, Totp>> generateInstance(OTP otp,HMac hMac,Seed seed,Counter counter) {
return hMac.hash(seed,counter)
.fmap(eitherFailureHmacResult -> eitherFailureHmacResult
Yet again, another radical departure. To callers, our method went from returning String
to IO<Either<HmacFailure, TOTP>>
, which forces the caller to consider and appropriately handle failure. The only
additional code here is to provide the arrow from IO<Either<HmacFailure, HmacResult>>
to IO<Either<HmacFailure, TOTP>>
, which we solve by calling fmap
on the result of our hash
method, then
calling biMapR
, which operates on the right value of our either and transforms it into its final form. We can
use biMapR
here because we are currently ok with preserving the failure type and only wish to transform the success
of hash
. The full implementation of our Totp
class can be
found here
Next, we need to address the changes to our test. Now is a good time to introduce Shōki, a purely functional, persistent data structures library. This is going to provide some better ergonomics for our test updates.
With Shoki in hand, let’s update our tests:
public class TotpTest {
public void googleAuthenticator() {
Seed seed = new Seed("3132333435363738393031323334353637383930");
StrictStack<Counter> counters = strictStack(
counter(new TimeStamp(59L), timeStep30()),
counter(new TimeStamp(1111111109L), timeStep30()),
counter(new TimeStamp(1111111111L), timeStep30()),
counter(new TimeStamp(1234567890L), timeStep30()),
counter(new TimeStamp(2000000000L), timeStep30()),
counter(new TimeStamp(20000000000L), timeStep30()));
StrictQueue<Either<Failure, Totp>> expected = strictQueue(
right(new Totp("287082")),
right(new Totp("081804")),
right(new Totp("050471")),
right(new Totp("005924")),
right(new Totp("279037")),
right(new Totp("353130")));
StrictQueue<Either<Failure, Totp>> actual = foldLeft(
(acc, value) -> acc.snoc(generateInstance(otp6(), hMacSHA1(), seed, value).unsafePerformIO()),
assertEquals(expected, actual);
Along with updating our test to respect the new interface, we got rid of the older style for
loop and landed with a
single assertion. Because our objects are all immutable, we should be able to directly compare expected and actual, and
get a proper equality check. The foldLeft
operation takes the Counter
values and accumulates the result of
generating a TOTP
value for each into a StrictQueue
, so we can easily compare. This fixes the compiler errors
associated with our refactoring, and makes the test a little cleaner, but what about accounting for the newly added
range of inputs? Let’s create a test to cover the entire spectrum provided by the sample implementation
in RFC 6238.
public class TotpTest {
public void rfc6238() {
Seed seed = new Seed("3132333435363738393031323334353637383930");
Seed seed32 = new Seed("3132333435363738393031323334353637383930313233343536373839303132");
Seed seed64 = new Seed("31323334353637383930313233343536373839303132333435363738393031323334353637383930313233343536373839303132333435363738393031323334");
StrictStack<Counter> counters = strictStack(
counter(new TimeStamp(59L), timeStep30()),
counter(new TimeStamp(1111111109L), timeStep30()),
counter(new TimeStamp(1111111111L), timeStep30()),
counter(new TimeStamp(1234567890L), timeStep30()),
counter(new TimeStamp(2000000000L), timeStep30()),
counter(new TimeStamp(20000000000L), timeStep30()));
StrictQueue<Either<Failure, Totp>> expectedSha1 = strictQueue(
right(new Totp("94287082")),
right(new Totp("07081804")),
right(new Totp("14050471")),
right(new Totp("89005924")),
right(new Totp("69279037")),
right(new Totp("65353130")));
StrictQueue<Either<Failure, Totp>> expectedSha256 = strictQueue(
right(new Totp("46119246")),
right(new Totp("68084774")),
right(new Totp("67062674")),
right(new Totp("91819424")),
right(new Totp("90698825")),
right(new Totp("77737706")));
StrictQueue<Either<Failure, Totp>> expectedSha512 = strictQueue(
right(new Totp("90693936")),
right(new Totp("25091201")),
right(new Totp("99943326")),
right(new Totp("93441116")),
right(new Totp("38618901")),
right(new Totp("47863826")));
StrictQueue<Either<Failure, Totp>> actualSha1 = foldLeft(
(acc, value) -> acc.snoc(generateInstance(otp8(), hMacSHA1(), seed, value).unsafePerformIO()),
StrictQueue<Either<Failure, Totp>> actualSha256 = foldLeft(
(acc, value) -> acc.snoc(generateInstance(otp8(), hMacSHA256(), seed32, value).unsafePerformIO()),
StrictQueue<Either<Failure, Totp>> actualSha512 = foldLeft(
(acc, value) -> acc.snoc(generateInstance(otp8(), hMacSHA512(), seed64, value).unsafePerformIO()),
assertEquals(expectedSha1, actualSha1);
assertEquals(expectedSha256, actualSha256);
assertEquals(expectedSha512, actualSha512);
This test represents full parity with the RFC implementation, which should provide additional confidence in our refactoring.
The last thing we need to do is update our Main
class and get our example working again.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
.<IO<Seed>>runReaderT(new SecureRandom())
.flatMap(into((timeStamp, seed) -> generateInstance(otp6(), hMacSHA1(), seed, counter(timeStamp, timeStep30()))))
.flatMap(failureOrTotp -> failureOrTotp.match(
hmacFailure -> io(() -> System.out.println(hmacFailure.value().getMessage())),
totp -> io(() -> System.out.println(totp))))
This is where composition pays off nicely. To better explain what’s going on under the hood here we can break down all of the chained calls into their specific types:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ReaderT<SecureRandom, IO<?>, Seed> seedReaderT = generateSeed(64);
IO<Seed> seedIO = seedReaderT.runReaderT(new SecureRandom());
IO<Tuple2<TimeStamp, Seed>> timeStampAndSeed =;
IO<Either<Failure, Totp>> failureOrInstance = timeStampAndSeed
.flatMap(into((timeStamp, seed) -> generateInstance(otp6(), hMacSHA1(), seed, counter(timeStamp, timeStep30()))));
IO<Unit> unitIO = failureOrInstance
.flatMap(failureOrTotp -> failureOrTotp.match(
hmacFailure -> io(() -> System.out.println(hmacFailure.value().getMessage())),
totp -> io(() -> System.out.println(totp))));
Unit __ = unitIO.unsafePerformIO();
Generating our seed returns a ReaderT
. We run that ReaderT
by supplying it an instance of SecureRandom
. This
allows the caller to control how randomness will behave. Our system should not dictate how random works, just that it is
able to get random bytes. Since the ReaderT
runs under IO
, We will get an IO
that when executed, returns our seed.
Since IO
composes nicely in lambda, we don’t need to run it just yet. We have plenty of additional side effects
left in our method, and we will use flatMap
to stitch them together. I could write an entire post on the ways to do
that with lambda, but for now we can interpret this as each IO
will execute strictly before the IO
executed in
the flatMap
that follows it. The next thing we will do is get the current time. Our now()
method returns an IO
that, when executed, returns our TimeStamp
. These operations are truly independent of each other, but are both
required inputs for generating an instance of Totp
. We use lambda’s zip
method and create a tuple that provides both
for the next step. We can now call generateInstance()
with enough information to get a value. Notice that we are
using OTP6
, HmacSHA1
, and TimeStep30
. Not only is this now safe by construction, it’s obvious exactly how the
TOTP value will be generated. Since this call returns an IO
that introduces failure, we will need to handle both the
success and failure cases. We do this with match
, and print the resulting value in both cases. At this point, we have
constructed a single IO
that fuses all of our side effects together. The last thing we need to do is
call unsafePerformIO()
to actually run the IO
and produce our result. The resulting UNIT
is simply for explanatory
reasons so we can demonstrate that we are in fact returned with a real value after executing our code. A few keystrokes
to inline all these variables will get us back to the originally presented version. Running it will produce something
similar to the following:
That’s it, we made it! It was quite a journey, but hopefully you have a new found appreciation of the details, and how they can apply to Software Security.
You may still be waiting for the rest of the security content. The answer is that we were applying it this whole time. If we look back at the definition of software security, the work done here supports almost all of these goals. Bonus points for TOTP being in the authentication domain. Correctness, testing, and protection from supplying inputs that cause the algorithm to function incorrectly. At times you may have wondered how far to actually go with these concepts. Providing type level evidence of correctness is not always easy or straight forward, and working towards a more verifiable model always carries a higher cost. Some people subscribe to this type of programming as a way of life, some as a tool to assist in solving complex problems, and some not at all. Not matter your thoughts on this specific approach, practicing Software Security should be on your requirements for delivery of software. When applied properly, the impact of better Software Security is software that operates correctly under failure, is better tested, and typically easier to understand.
After completing this refactoring, I decided to turn the result into a full library. You can find the project at
If you’re looking to learn more about software security, I highly recommend checking out Secure Code Warrior. They have an excellent training platform, and their Sensei IDE plugin is great at helping you and your team apply more secure software development habits in real time.
Thank you to Matt Konda, John Napier, and Todd Montgomery for reviewing this post and providing feedback.